My Artwork > Moleskine Notebooks

If you are the Mrs Claus of your household, this is just the thing for you.

An original piece of art adorns the cover of this large notebook, which is just the right size for your purse. Keep all your thoughts, gift ideas, and that all important list of who has been naughty or nice, in one place!

There are 80 pages in this book. The last 16 are detachable, for your list to Santa, and if there's anything you'd like to keep away from prying eyes- there's asecret pocket in the back.


Original art by British Contemporary artist, Linda Boucher. This beautiful Moleskine notebook features Mrs Claus' red silk corset, with white fur trim. A great assest in the run up to the big day.
Making a List, and Checking it Twice
Moleskine Notebook
by Linda Boucher
mixed media
5"x8.25" 13cmx21cm